Here at Spring Corner we care not only about your pets physical well-being, but their emotional welfare too. We want your furry friends to enjoy coming to see us which is why we aim to make their visits as stress free as possible.
Unfortunately, fear can lead to trauma for our patients and as a result of this pet owners are less likely to visit their veterinary practice and may seek advice and products from elsewhere which may not be appropriate.
As soon as we notice that your pet is stressed, we will do our upmost to change that as quickly as possible by moving them to a more suitable area. Equally, if you know of anything which upsets them in particular, please let a member of staff know so that we can make a note on their clinical record and examine them in a way which suits them.
For worried dogs, we are more than happy to examine and treat them outside the practice, in your car, or even move them straight into a consult room where we can reassure them and give them treats. If they have a favourite toy and/or treats, we would recommend that you bring these along too.
Treats, treats and more treats! Whether they are in our pockets, consult rooms, at reception or back of practice, we have plenty of treats to give out. Not only does this help us to create a bond with your pets but they are a great distraction during consults for injections and other procedures which may worry them.

Welcome to Fear Free